Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on your children.
Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer:

Nowadays, using computer is an unseparated fashion from world population’s lifestyle which brings great impacts in many sides particularly to children. Even though it is undeniable that computer provide several usefulnesses, the damaging impacts outnumber the benefits. This essay aims to portray the harms caused by the phenomenon on children based on the characterized problems in many vital sides.
From health standpoint, the overuse of computer which causes children to be uncontrollably addicted leads to several problems to children’s eyes and health lifestyle. Taking long time to stare at the screen of this electronic device in the lighting which is less than ideal harms eyes and triggers a number of sight problem, such as blurred vision, eye irritation and dry eyes. In the worse scenario, it causes future impact that children will lose their ability to see near and far objects clearly when they grow up. Besides, it is suggested *that* children who spend many hours sitting in front of their computers have bad health habit like less body movement which leads to muscle problem and even triggers obesity. A number of American children suffer from obesity due to this phenomenon.
Turning into social side, computer opens access for addicting applications and platforms such as games and social medias which have strong influence to change children’s personality to become anti social and antipathy. In the status quo, a big number of Japan children turn to be hikikomori which means antisocial and avoid to make friend in the real life due to the satisfaction of their game lives provided in their computer. The more jeopardizing impact caused is that these antisocial children have low level of life motivation and sense of competition caused by the thought of gaming lives is more real and fun than reality. Many studies indicate that this type of children tend to choose to be jobless than going out to find occupations. Additionally, it is suggested that these children grow up to become antipathy and careless about real social life surrounding them. For instance, children tend to choose playing their computer to open media social than gather with families and friends. This phenomenon actually lets and facilitates these type of children to create boundaries between themselves with the real life. Therefore, they end up with being alienated.
In short, computer is considered to bring more destructive impacts then the beneficial ones for children predicated on health and social point of view.


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