Every year several languages die out. Some people think this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer language in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Sample Answer:

Language is an unseparable feature of human life that has magnificent function i.e. allowing human communication. There are a great number of languages spread out all over the world that characterize each tribe, country, and nation. Triggered by several reasons, many languages disappear each year. Some people consider this fact as an insignificant change since they discern that the fewer the languages, the more efficient the communication allowed. For the fact that language is the artefact of each races that consist of idiosyncratic identities, I will elucidate the reasons of why all languages are important and contribute to the richness of human living heritage.
To begin with, language vary cross-culturally and they have their own uniqueness. Each language bear its own shared culture and history. For example, the language of old English had been using in writing many literary works that become the masterpieces that many people adore and consume today. Each place, nation, or country, has their own shared culture and shared sense. There are many things that cannot be represented by other language when it is being translated. There always be the reduction of meaning and sense in the translation products. For example, the translation of Indonesian poets to many languages that cannot be transferred in the full sense of the meaning and history. Looking at this case, every word in every language cannot be simply interpreted to other language without reducing so many existing sense in the original language. In short, each language is valuable since it has its own idiosyncracy that is unable to be represented by other language.
We cannot deny that learning other language is a complicated thing, while in another side we need to communicate with everyone around the globe easily. However, letting some languages to die out and encouraging some certain languages to dominate the international communication is not a fair option. It will let histories buried, culture forgotten, some civilization unidentified, and so on. On the other hand, we still can keep all the language diversity and communicate well with everyone worldwide using Lingua Franca; some international languages that allow all nations and countries to communicate when they have two differing language, for example English, Chinese, Arabic, etc. In sum, no need to worry about ineffectiveness of differing languages in a cross-communication. On the contrary, we should instead make other bridge to rise communication without letting any of language dissapear.
In conclusion, the loss of numerous languages will cause a number of unanticipated negative impacts and hence we should use smarter alternative to pave the way to communication instead of letting minor languages to die out.


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