

IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (2) Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on your children. Do you agree or disagree? Sample Answer: Nowadays, using computer is an unseparated fashion from world population’s lifestyle which brings great impacts in many sides particularly to children. Even though it is undeniable that computer provide several usefulnesses, the damaging impacts outnumber the benefits. This essay aims to portray the harms caused by the phenomenon on children based on the characterized problems in many vital sides. From health standpoint, the overuse of computer which causes children to be uncontrollably addicted leads to several problems to children’s eyes and health lifestyle. Taking long time to stare at the screen of this electronic device in the lighting which is less than ideal harms eyes and triggers a number of sight problem, such as blurred vision, eye irritation and dry eyes. In the worse scenario, it causes future impact t


IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (12) The given line graph portrays the statistical information regarding the amount of coffee exported from Brazil, Columbia, and Costa Rica from 2002 to 2012. This figure is measured in kilograms of millions.             Overall, the most significant fact that emerge in the presented graph is that all these three countries experienced fluctuation in their coffee export proportion before subsequently growing up jointly in the end of recorded time period.  Turning into detail analysis, the graph reveals that Brazil started the recorded period with the coffee export proportion of below 13 kilograms that keep climbing up in the next several years.  However, it then slightly decreased to approximately 17 kilograms in 2010 before subsequently reaching the peak of almost 25 kilograms in the end of the period. Besides, Columbia also began its record with the increasing number of coffee export from 5 kilograms to almost 13 kilograms in 2016 before falling do


IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (1) Every year several languages die out. Some people think this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer language in the world.  To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion. Sample Answer: Language is an unseparable feature of human life that has magnificent function i.e. allowing human communication. There are a great number of languages spread out all over the world that characterize each tribe, country, and nation. Triggered by several reasons, many languages disappear each year. Some people consider this fact as an insignificant change since they discern that the fewer the languages, the more efficient the communication allowed. For the fact that language is the artefact of each races that consist of idiosyncratic identities, I will elucidate the reasons of why all languages are important and contribute to the richness of human living heritage. To begin with, language vary cross-culturally and they have t


IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (11) The given pie charts and table reveal the statistical data regarding the total value and sources of fish imported to the US in the recorded year of 1988, 1992, and 2000. Overall, the most significant fact that emerge was that the fish which were majorly imported from Canada and others in all recorded years with relative changes experienced a gradual increase of price between 1988 and 2000. Turning into detail scrutiny, in 1988, when the total amount of imported fish was valued 6.57 billion dollars by the United States, Canada become the biggest exporter of fish which contributed 60% of the total percentage. On the other hand, China and other sources exported minimal number of 13% and 27% respectively. Shifting to 1992, the imported fish was priced 8.52 billion dollars, 1.95 billion dollars more expensive. While the imported fish proportion from Canada plummeted to 34% with drop of almost half, other sources filled the gap of the US fish demand,


IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (10)          The given table portrays the breakdown of the number of students entering four secondary school types in the recorded year of 2000, 2005, and 2009. Overall, despite the proportion of the attendees in three types of schools namely specialist, grammar, and voluntary-controlled schools declined relatively year to year, community schools’ attendee proportion kept escalating significantly each year. Turning into closer analysis, in 2000, voluntary-controlled school was the most attended school type where 52% of student proportion opted to study there. It was then followed by grammar schools with 24% of attendees. The other two of school types which were specialist and community schools were attended by the same figure of 12%. Shifting to 2005, when the average school types declined in pupil percentages, voluntary-controlled schools still led the highest proportion of attendee which was 38%. However, it lost 14% of its attendee compared to th


IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (9) The given table compares the statistical data of pedagogical difficulties underlain in seven areas which were encountered by students of two primary schools in the year of 2015 and 2015. Overall, the students in the school A faced more problems than school B in both years. On the one hand, school A demonstrated proof of the reduction of students with learning problems proportion from 2005 to 2015, school B seemed to be failed in minimizing their number of students with educational problems. On the other hand, school B still had better students in the measured figure competence in which only In 2005, school A students experienced more learning difficulties than school B. For instances, while following instruction and concentrating in lesson were discerned as the biggest problems to school A students with the rate of 40% to 42%, school B students had a better ability in those areas with only 6% and 15% of less competent students. Besides, in liste


IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (8) The given picture portrays the life circle of honey bee. Overall, it is obviously shown that a bee experiences 6 stages in 34-36 days of life circle before becoming an adult bee. In the beginning of its life circle, a bee starts from being an egg which hatches 9-10 days after being laid. A bee needs five days more to be separated from its eggshell. Two days afterwards, the cute nymph comes out from its eggshell. It subsequently experienced three waves of moulting as it grows. Along the next 2 days, the bee grow up in bigger size. After a while, the young adult ultimately emerges. Along with its growing up process, a young adult bee also has a stronger body that is indicated from the more mature body shape particularly in the abdomen side. The bee then continues to grow until turning into a fully mature bee four days later. In this phase, a bee is already mature enough to find another bee to marry. The female bee then lay one until two eggs eve